
    Crunch Time – How to Stay Organized While Wrapping Up the School Year

    Can you believe the end of school is here?! If you are like most parents around this time, you are running around frantically trying to juggle final class projects, helping kids study for their final exams, volunteering at class parties, and finishing up with parent organization responsibilities.

    Below are 5 tips to keep you […]

    By |May 22nd, 2019|News|Comments Off on Crunch Time – How to Stay Organized While Wrapping Up the School Year

      Parent Teacher Organizations Can Help Schools Prepare for Emergencies

      Parent Teacher Organizations are primarily run by parents and the safety of their kids while they are at school is always top of mind. Parents don’t need to hope that the school district and school is prepared and have enough supplies in the event of an emergency or lockdown, the parent teacher organizations can […]

      By |April 9th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Parent Teacher Organizations Can Help Schools Prepare for Emergencies